The Recipes Book 雪糕食譜
Make your very own Messina at home with over 50 gelato recipes. Broken down into easily digestible sections, you'll need a domestic ice cream churner, patience and a good sense of humour.
在家中製作屬於你自己的 Messina 雪糕,擁有超過 50 款意式雪糕簡易食譜。你只需要一部家用雪糕攪拌機、耐性和幽默感。
Make your very own Messina at home with over 50 gelato recipes. Broken down into easily digestible sections, you'll need a domestic ice cream churner, patience and a good sense of humour.
在家中製作屬於你自己的 Messina 雪糕,擁有超過 50 款意式雪糕簡易食譜。你只需要一部家用雪糕攪拌機、耐性和幽默感。
Make your very own Messina at home with over 50 gelato recipes. Broken down into easily digestible sections, you'll need a domestic ice cream churner, patience and a good sense of humour.
在家中製作屬於你自己的 Messina 雪糕,擁有超過 50 款意式雪糕簡易食譜。你只需要一部家用雪糕攪拌機、耐性和幽默感。